Why closing the Data and Evidence gap is vital in improving education

2 min readSep 29, 2021


Professor Eric A. Hanushek, Winner, Yidan Prize for Education Research 2021

Professor Eric A Hanushek

I am deeply honored to have been awarded the Yidan Prize for Education Research. This is a very important prize, because it puts a spotlight on the importance of research and evaluation for improving education around the world.

Education has historically been a field where decisions have followed anecdotes, fads and political whims. Advances in high-quality research and evidence-based policy bodes well for future improvements.

My research has been driven by an underlying belief that the economic successes of both individuals and nations are highly dependent on the skills of the population. That view is now supported by substantial proof.

We know that quality schools made-up of highly effective teachers offer the possibility of changing the lives of students, and in turn enhancing the well-being of countries.

The Yidan Prize will support the creation of a fellowship program for developing countries. This program will yield a network of local people who are capable of using data and evidence to identify and establish better education policies.

The initial effort will be with African countries. Working with local NGOs and think tanks, I hope to catalyze education improvements in places with the greatest needs.

In receiving the Yidan Prize for Education Research I cannot help but recognise that today there is little single-authored research. I have worked over a long period of time with a set of people who have contributed significantly to my thinking and my writing.

The Yidan Laureates and luminaries are a new and exciting group of collaborators who share in the journey to enhance educational outcomes around the world. I am humbled and delighted to be included in this outstanding group.

Extract from the Yidan Prize acceptance speech of Professor Eric Hanushek, Paul and Jean Hanna Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute of Stanford University Sept 28th 2021.




Written by NewGlobe

Talking Education is a Medium Publication all about progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4: Education for All.

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